Oproep voor sponsors

Help ons om editie 2016 te organiseren

Na de eerste geslaagde editie van het Belgisch FOSS4G event in 2015, organiseert OSGeo.be een nieuwe editie van de FOSS4G.BE conferentie op donderdag 22 september 2016.
FOSS4G conferenties brengen ontwikkelaars en gebruikers (ook managers als beslissers) van open source geomatica software uit de hele wereld samen, om nieuwe richtingen, sprekende implementaties en groeiende zakelijke kansen in het gebied te bespreken. De afgelopen jaren hebben we veel veranderingen in de geo-ict sector gezien. Een van deze veranderingen is de toenemende volwassenheid van open source oplossingen en hun implementatie. Vaak gebruiken organisaties een combinatie van open source en eigen oplossingen. Momenteel zijn we op zoek naar sponsors voor dit tweede Belgische FOSS4G.
De verschillende sponsor mogelijkheden worden hieronder uitgelegd, aub neem contact op indien u nog vragen zou hebben.

Waarom OSGeo sponsoren

Your Organization Depends on OSGeo Software
Your company or government agency uses OSGeo technologies in its day-to-day work, allowing you to compete effectively and deliver services in an efficient manner.

By helping sustain OSGeo you also support your current operations into the future knowing that a strong OSGeo is behind your business activities.

You represent a Community of Practice that has Adopted OSGeo Software
Communities representing a wide range of domains, from professional associations to non-government organizations, leverage OSGeo software as a critical component of their end-user applications. Your community has an interest in ensuring the software can be sustained into the future.

By sponsoring OSGeo you demonstrate support for your members' software selection.

Your Goals are aligned with OSGeo's Support for Open Standards and Other Priorities
Help achieve your own organization's objectives by sponsoring OSGeo as a like-minded organization and benefit from the volunteer efforts of a rapidly growing world-wide community.

By sponsoring OSGeo you achieve your own goals.

Demonstrate Your Leadership in Open Source Geospatial Technologies
By sponsoring OSGeo you will help align your business with the activities of thousands of adopters of OSGeo software around the world.

As a sponsor of OSGeo, you will align your business growth with the momentum behind OSGeo in the marketplace.

Benefit from Sponsor Networking Opportunities
As a sponsor of OSGeo, you will benefit from unique opportunities to meet and share ideas with key members of OSGeo, other OSGeo sponsors and affiliated like-minded individuals and organizations.

By sponsoring OSGeo you will enhance your business opportunities.

FOSS4G is een gratis evenement. Alvast dank aan onze sponsors en partners om dit mogelijk te maken.

Leefmilieu Brussel

Indien u meer informatie nodig hebt neem contact op of volg ons op Facebook of twitter.