
26 Octobre - Bruxelles

timetrack 1 (Auditorium)track 2 (Sylva)track3 (Aqua)
9h20What is happening at OSGeo/OSM
9h40Keynote NGI Belgium
10h00OSGeo live for INSPIRE [Alex Kotsev]
10h30First coffeebreak
11h00Belgium's Earth Observation data platform
Jeroen Dries[nl]
A tour of point cloud processing
Mathieu Carette[en]
Real time tracking and prediction of public transport transit speed in Pays de Gex [OSM track]
Fernando González Cortés[en]
11h25Dans les coulisses du Géoportail de la Wallonie - Comment est gérée la qualité du catalogue ?
Vincent Bombaerts[fr]
How Machine Learning could help to improve your geospatial data quality ?
Olivier Courtin[fr]
Making of the Lifewatch open data for biodiversity: synergies with OSM and FOSS4G
Julien Radoux[en]
11h50Open Transport Net - Open data and open software for advanced visualisations
Lieven Raes[nl]
FabSpace 2.0 an open-innovation network for geodata and space--based innovation in Universities 2.0
Herbert HANSEN[fr]
State of the land-use/land-cover mapping in Belgium in OpenStreetMap
Julien Minet[en]
12h15Lunch break
14h00Road Completion Project - Towards a quality checked and complete open road network for Belgium [OSM]
Ben Abelshausen[nl]
Initiation à l'utilisation des logiciels libres SIG (Qgis et GrassGis) à l'École Normale Supérieure-
ANDRIANASOLO Domohina Noromalala[fr]
Dutch version of, PAN
Daniella Vos[en]
14h25Be walking be.Brussels > an OS atlas, app and maps for pedestrians in Brussels [OSM track]
Hanne Van Herck[nl]
Les SIG open source au service de la modélisation de la répartition des densités de population
Safa FENNIA[fr]
Automating the publication process of geodata using FOSS
Berdien De Roo[nl]
Mohamed Laghmouch[fr]
Fast, high resolution raster analysis on a national scale
Jonas van Schrojenstein Lantman & Wim Peelaerts[en]
Preview of a new OSM public transport editor
David Kocich[en]
15h15Data Processing with QGIS 3
Julien Waddle[fr]
Fichier Ecologique des Essences 2.0, un nouvel outil géospatial de formation et d'aide à la décision
Thierry Meessen[fr]
OSM workshop: JOSM plugin for mapping public transport routes in OSM
Jo Simoens[en]
15h40Data Harmonisation: the best way is Open now !
Gael Kruwialis[fr]
QGIS 3.0 : a light on (some) exclusive new features !
Vincent Picavet[en]
OSM workshop part 2
Jo Simoens[en]
16h10Second Coffeebreak
16h40From Brussels to space: Make use of Copernicus Data with Free Software
17h25General assembly

FOSS4G est un événement gratuit. Nous remercions nos sponsors et partenaires de rendre ceci possible.

Bruxelles Environnement

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